Getting caught up, again

Woke up this morning at 5am, because some time during the night my husband opened the bedroom door, let the dogs in, then fell asleep on the couch. The dogs annoyed me so much that I gave up on sleep and got up. He walks in as I'm getting dressed and says he's going to sleep in the bed.
I made coffee and decided not to do "work" work. Instead I washed the dishes, did two weeks worth of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, made a grocery list, answered emails, and wrote out a rough draft. Cause I am bad at not working.

Husband wakes up a little before 9am. My best friend calls and asks to come over. I tell her to come on over as I was just about to take a break. He goes and gets dressed, then sits down at his computer. She and I hang out for @2 hours then she leaves. I follow her out and started weeding my garden, feeding my compost, retying the tomato plants, cleaning the walk and staking my corn. Husband comes out and watches me for a bit. Then says "Once you're done weeding you can come help me run this line." The line he said he would do 8 weeks ago. And every weekend since. Without waiting for any response he turns and goes inside. I continued what I was doing.

I trimmed the herbs, picked cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes. Tilled the soil and leveled it back out after all the floods we've been having. Drained the water out of the compost and refilled it. Trimmed the citronella plants. Then I went inside, got some water, and explained to my husband that telling someone what they were going to do isn't the same thing as asking someone for help. He agreed cheerfully and left.

So I cleaned all of my herbs and set them in towels to dry. Hung seed heads in bags to ripen. Made 2 gallons of pickles. Mixed up bath salts and bath oils. Made mosquito repellent. Put away laundry. Made the bed. Started more laundry. Mopped the floors. Scrubbed the bathrooms. Made laundry detergent pods while channeling my inner nerd so I pressed them into Star Wars molds. Alas it didn't come through in the picture very well.

Bundled and hung my remaining herbs to dry and sent him out for burgers. The kitchen was a mess again after making the detergent and I wasn't going to risk it getting into food. After dinner I rearranged my pantry and linen closet, find where he's hidden the fitted sheets and light blankets, fold them and put them away. Wash and rehang the curtains. Cleaned the mudroom after tracking mud all over my mopped floors. And periodically hopped on FB to see what my friends are up to.
Anyone wanna guess what I didn't do? I love my husband, but I don't take orders from him. And him telling me I was going to help him, after I gave him three chances to restate it or ask for help, was rude in my opinion. I briefly gave him a hand when he needed it, however. My day was busy enough anyway. Now I am working, on work, roasting coffee, washing the dishes from making everything, vacuumed the house, spilled baking soda everywhere afterward, editing a screenplay, and prepping dinners for the rest of the week. My husband has work in the morning so he is already in the freshly made bed. It's now quarter till 1am. Once these edits are done, and the food is prepped and the last load of laundry is in the dryer, I will be taking a long hot shower and going to bed myself.
