October was extremely hectic. I had even remember September, October took so damn long and was so hard to get through. But I did it! And with the end of October comes my latest book, Clay and Blood and the end of my book blog tour. If you would like to go back and read some of the fun things I managed to work into October you can read about them here.
Author Interview: jdestradawriter.blogspot.com
Author Interview: http://jenniferzamboni.blogspot.com/
Character Spotlight: https://authorbarbaratyree.ourwriteside.com/
Guest Post: http://thewritersedgeshow.com
Guest Post: mountaincaller.blogspot.com
Book Review: hijinksblog.wordpress.com
Author Interview: https://plotmonster.wordpress.com/
Book Review: http://www.girl-who-reads.com
Guest Post: http://afstewartblog.blogspot.com/
Guest Post: http://PhoebeDarqueling.com
Book Review: PhoebeDarqueling.com
Book Review: https://alwaysanotherchapter.co.uk/
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